
3D & 2D analyst and recheck workstation
incent.view workstations allow the review and analysis of X-ray images from all Smiths Detection HiTraX based X-ray systems.



Product Information

Incent.view 2D/3D capable workstation allows for high-quality on-screen image resolution combined with ergonomic and intuitive operation.

Incent.view’s image-evaluation features include infinite zoom, single-alarm processing, colour intensity and grey-level absorption, and the full set of HI-TraX-based X-ray units.

Marking and annotation of suspicious areas, workflow integration as Analyst (remote screening) and Recheck, and configuration as either a 2D or 3D workstation are available.

Featured Highlights

• Excellent image quality for efficient and reliable on-screen resolution
• Fast and easy image analysis through various image-manipulation functions
• Intuitive operation
• Touchscreen-capable
• Compatible with Checkpoint.evoplus, HI-SCAN 10080 XCT, and all other HI-SCAN units.