Dell ECS EX500

The perfect blend of economy and density, the EX500 delivers versatile capacity options

Scale-out nodes
Improved performance via dual, 10 core processors
Identical performance characteristics with every node
Optional SSD for metadata cache

Категория: Метка:


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Node architecture ■ Intel x86 servers ■ Integrated storage ■ 12 or 24 disk drives per node
Network connectivity ■ 25GbE FrontEnd ■ 25GbE BackEnd
Rack configurations
■ 1, through 16 node configurations (5 node minimum initial rack)
■ HA power
Storage configurations
■ Unstructured storage up to 7680TB per rack Architecture
■ Standard 40U cabinet
■ 2U node containing server and disks
■ Fully accessible — field serviceable
■ Conventional front to back cooling
■ HA power cabling and cooling

Min / max cluster size
■ 5 node minimum
■ No maximum
Min / max rack configuration
■ Min: 1 node = 1 server with included disks
■ Max: 16 nodes = 16 servers with included disks
Node:disk ratios ■ 1:12, 1:24
Disk type (7200rpm, SATA) ■ 2TB, 4TB, 8TB, 12TB, 16TB, 20TB
Raw capacity (per node) ■ 24TB, 48TB, 96TB, 144TB, 192TB, 288TB, 384TB, 480TB
Max raw capacity (per rack) ■ Up to 7680TB
Node dimensions
■ 2U x D (810 mm)
■ Weight: 43.2KG (with 24 drives)
Rack dimensions
■ H(75”) x W(24“) x D(47“) + 4” for front door H(1905mm) x W(610mm) x D(1194mm)
■ Weight: 887kg/1955lb with 4 switches, 16 2U nodes
Max power ■ .72 kVA per 2U node
Max heatload ■ 2400 BTU/Hr for every 2U node
Power specifications (server) ■ 2X1100W power
supplies per node(HA)
Power specifications (rack)
■ Connection: 4 single phase L6-30 (redundant power)
■ 30A circuit breaker (A) max. per AC power source
■ 2 three-phase WYE S52.30 (redundant power)
■ 32A circuit breaker (A) max. per AC power source
■ 2 three-phase delta CS-8365C (redundant power)
■ 50A circuit breaker (A) max. per AC power source
■ Input voltage (VAC): 200-240
■ Frequency (Hz): 50 — 60
Upgrade options
■ Scale out by additional nodes
■ 12 drive capacity upgrade kit